3-Minute Crash Course on Screencastify

As more schools are planning to go remote or use hybrid learning models in the fall, the art of screencasting is going to be an important skill for teachers to master. If you are not familiar with the term screencasting, I am referring to recording videos using your screen, webcam, or both.

What is Screencastify? 

There are a variety of different programs out there to create screencasts; however, I am going to focus on using a tool called Screencastify today. Screencastify is a free Chrome Extension that can be used to record brief (5 min or less) screencasts.  

Here is a crash course (3 min) on how to use this powerful tool!



Although the tool is free, there is a paid version that does give you more options; however, if you are starting out, you might want to check out the free version first. This will help you determine whether or not you should continue using this tool.

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