#SummerResolution Series: #SimpleK12

Have you made your Summer Resolution yet? Many people have already! Leave us a comment and tell us what your Summer Resolution is!  Over the next several weeks, I am going to present you with simple and refreshing ideas on how you can grow as an educator during this time of relaxation :)

If you are a teacher and love technology, there is nothing better than learning from other like-minded people. About a year ago, I joined SimpleK12  as a free member, so that I could learn more about using iPads in the classroom. It enabled me to listen to live webinars on different educational technology topics that mattered to me. I have really enjoyed listening to world-class educators share their passions and ideas in simple 30 to 60 minute presentations. Best of all, I can participate in live chats and ask the experts questions!

Want to be an iPad expert? Want to learn more implementing the Common Core? Need new technology ideas?  You can find a wealth of information in this online community from teachers in the trenches, who know what they are talking about. I was so impressed that I acquired a full membership, so that I could enjoy other perks, like having the ability to listen to webinars on demand! From webinars to discussion forums to valuable resources....it's worth using for your entire school district!

I have also been privileged enough to make a few presentations on a variety of topics over the past several months. I am always looking forward to my next presentation! If you are interested in hearing a webinar in action, check out my webinar on July 3, 2013 @ 10:00 am on Removing Barriers and Helping Students Learn with Universal Design for Learning.

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