Mundo: A Safe AI Tool for Students

As our world continues to advance in its application of AI, it is important to educate our students and teachers on the potential of generative AI. One of the best ways to do this is to provide hands-on opportunities in a safe and structured environment. 

I recently discovered Mundo, an AI tool that allows students and teachers to explore the capabilities of generative AI without needing to provide personally identifiable information, such as names, emails, or phone numbers.

Mundo offers a platform where users can experiment and learn best practices along with digital citizenship skills in a secure environment.

How Can Mundo Help Students? 

First, it is particularly beneficial for multilingual learners, as it supports multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and more. Additionally, Mundo can assist with study tips, homework help, and explaining challenging concepts.

Mundo can help students create study schedules, set goals, and stay organized. It also offers subject-specific support, providing guidance and resources tailored to different subjects, helping students deepen their understanding and excel in challenging areas.

Furthermore, Mundo can provide tips on managing stress, practicing self-care, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, supporting students' overall well-being.

Want to See a Demonstration? 

Check out my video below for a demonstration of this simple, but amazing tool! 

7 Tips for Unpacking Academic Standards with AI

Unpacking academic standards is a helpful practice to ensure students have the clarity they need to succeed. It also helps us better prepare to meet these standards and align assessments with instruction. Artificial intelligence can be a valuable tool, providing practical examples and resources to support diverse learners. Check out my video and infographic for seven ways AI can help meet the needs of students.

Tools used: 



7 Tips for Unpacking Academic Standards with AI

Describing UDL Through a Desk and Chair Analogy

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a key component of Tier 1 instruction; however, it’s essential to understand that UDL is a framework or lens, not a checklist. It may be helpful to conceptualize UDL through a desk and chair example. Imagine our goal is to help all students use this piece of furniture for learning. Read the following post or watch my video below for more details! 



One question we could ask is: How can we make it more accessible? For instance, we could separate the desk from the chair so that anyone can use it, or modify the legs to make the desk height adjustable. This aligns with the UDL Principle Designing Options for Representation. For example, creating accessible lessons and environments involves considering how to make information available through multiple presentation options. This might include using various types of media to help students understand concepts, offering support for vocabulary and symbol recognition, and providing strategies to build knowledge effectively.

Check out my video explanation! 


Another question to consider is: How can we make the desk more useful to learning? We could consider adding a whiteboard to the top, creating storage space for tools and writing utensils, or even integrating charging stations for devices. This aligns with the UDL Principle Designing Options for Action and Expression. For example, it can be useful to offer students multiple ways of demonstrating their knowledge and skills, such as creating a video, writing a text, or developing a visual. Additionally, it's about allowing students to interact and move within the learning environment.


A final question to consider is: How would a student design this desk? Students might choose to add stickers, lights, a soft cushion, or make the desk adjustable to fit their needs. This aligns with the UDL Principle Designing Options for Engagement. When designing lessons and learning environments, it’s crucial to consider how students engage with content and the learning environment. We can engage students by personalizing word problems or content to match their interests. It's equally important to offer opportunities for them to challenge themselves and deepen their understanding. This includes addressing their emotional needs by incorporating social-emotional learning, promoting empathy, and developing strategies to manage frustration when learning becomes difficult.


UDL is a method for creating lessons and learning environments. Not every UDL Guideline or Consideration needs to be present in every lesson, and that's okay. The objective is to identify learning obstacles and design for access, engagement, and flexible opportunities for students to demonstrate their understanding. Most importantly, it also begins with the recognition that all students are capable of mastering grade-level content, even though their paths may differ.

Matt Bergman (2024)

Create an Interactive Math Calculator Using Claude AI

 Did you know that you can use AI for more than just looking up information? I experimented with using Claude AI to generate an interactive math activity out of HTML, where students could input variables to determine the area of triangles, rectangles, and circles.

Claude generated code and suggestions in just a few seconds! The model offered students a visual aid, clear instructions to help them calculate the area, and a chance to solve the problem with feedback. 

The next step was finding a platform to run my interactive program. There are a variety of tools out there; however, I found Codepen to be the easiest tool to use. Check out my interactive activity and test it out yourself! 

Interactive Area Calculator

Interactive Area Calculator

Want to see how I did it? Check out my video below: 

Letters to My Coach: The Power of an Empty Toolbox

Throughout the years, I have habitually displayed small mementos and pictures on a bookshelf in my office or classroom. I inherited this practice from my late father, who used his decorative flair to proudly display objects and pictures that told a story, shared a memory, and painted a portrait of his life. 

The artifacts in my display continue to inspire the retelling of old stories and memories of past trips, experiences, and adventures. A makeshift nameplate, carved from an old stick by my grandfather during a childhood camping trip, serves as the gateway to my kingdom of memories. Inside are the remnants of my former athletic career, reminders of childhood heroes, tacky souvenirs, and pictures of past days. 

As I glance across my display, I notice a tiny, dollhouse-sized replica of a toolbox. I have to chuckle at the thought of displaying such an ordinary item, considering its everyday presence in most households and garages. This miniature toolbox brings to mind another, with an unusual story, that once sat alone on the sideline of a football field, empty and filled only with the crisp autumn air.

Losing Our Minds

In the fall of 1996, I was a sophomore on a talented but underachieving varsity football team. If victories were won solely on the passion and heart of our coaches, we would have been undefeated. Our head coach, Mike Vertucci, was a positive force who went to great lengths to inspire and motivate us, even though our team often failed to meet the potential he saw within us. 

One week, our team faced an underwhelming opponent known better for their 33-game losing streak and even featured on ESPN. Like any good coach, Coach V appeared to be ramping up his efforts to prevent his team from falling into complacency. Despite his best efforts, our overconfident team brushed aside our coach's words. 

Our personalities and teenage egos sometimes prevented us from appreciating the value and sacrifices our coaches made for our benefit. We didn't see their countless hours away from their families, breaking down film and preparing game plans. We took the time they spent with us for granted, not realizing it meant trading a chair at the dinner table or reading a bedtime story. Our arrogance reached a crescendo when a teammate got into an altercation with a coach, and eventually, our team was kicked off the practice field. 

The night of the big game finally came, but you could sense something abnormal would happen. Everything that could go wrong went wrong, and despite our subpar efforts, the team known for its 33-game losing streak was victorious on our home field. My teammates and I were stunned. However, our loss created a chain of events I still remember. 

An Empty Toolbox 

The parents in my community had a reputation for being highly invested in their children's athletic success by any means possible. We had several Division 1 athletes on our team, which created a certain intensity to coax us out of our slump immediately. With the intensity of an act of Congress, resources were pooled together to hire a sports psychologist to talk to our team the following week. 

My teammates and I stumbled begrudgingly into a classroom the night of the event, unsure of what to expect. We were introduced to a sports psychologist, who greeted us with pleasantries and orchestrated a series of motivational soundbites and visualization exercises. 

We were unsure what to expect when he placed a plastic toolbox on the desk in front of him. Some of my teammates shot sarcastic smirks and glances among each other, questioning the man in front of us's sanity. Sensing our growing skepticism, he continued unfettered and opened the toolbox to reveal… completely empty contents. 

For several minutes, he explained the purpose of his Walmart purchase. This gift to our team was meant to serve as a receptacle for our fears, mistakes, and poor attitudes hindering our success. Whenever we encountered one of these obstacles, we were instructed to walk over to the toolbox, visualize grabbing the adverse event or emotion, and throw it inside, slamming it shut.

As silly as the culmination of all these events may seem, it left a profound impression on my teammates and I. As our coaches began to incorporate the toolbox and visualization exercises into our daily routine, we understood the connection between a focused mind and success. Success is not the absence of fear but the courage to overcome it. 


To most, a toolbox is just a container, but to those who look deeper, it tells a rich history through its dents, rust marks, and scratches, each representing a lesson learned. In its simplicity, a toolbox holds the keys to growth, resilience, and new beginnings. It's not about how we got the nicks and dents, but how we surrendered our mistakes, learned from them, and moved forward.

Although I have made more mistakes than I can remember, I have always remembered the message of the empty toolbox and the promise of a new beginning. It's realizing that mistakes are an inherent part of life, offering opportunities for growth and valuable lessons when we learn from them, make things right, and move on.

Letters to My Coach: St. Crispin's Day

When I was in high school, I played varsity football for Coach Mike Vertucci. Coach V was a master at finding creative ways to motivate his players through quotes and speeches. We often found photocopies of General George Patton’s speeches or Rocky quotes hanging on the walls of our locker room. Coach took pride in motivating the young men on his team to go to battle each Friday night.

One of Coach's favorite speeches was the St. Crispin's Day speech from Shakespeare's famous play, King Henry V. On October 25, 1415, Henry’s army was in Northern France preparing for the Battle of Agincourt, which happened to fall on the same date as St. Crispin’s Day, commemorating the death of two Christian martyrs.

Henry’s army was beaten, discouraged, and facing insurmountable odds against a French army nearly six times its size. Doubt started creeping within the camp. In fact, the situation seemed so hopeless that his men kissed the ground they stood on, because they felt it would be their final resting place.

Knowing the odds were against them, Henry V tapped into his most significant weapon. Henry V was a master motivator who tapped into his men’s pride and yearning for significance in one of the most famous parts of his monologue:

“From this day to the ending of the world,

But we in it shall be remember’d;

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;

For he to-day that sheds his blood with me

Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,

This day shall gentle his condition:

And gentlemen in England now a-bed

Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,

And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks

That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.”

While opinions on this speech may vary, it undeniably touches on a profound aspect of the human experience. We are fragile beings, who fear death and yearn for significance.

Have you ever felt the pressure of confronting overwhelming challenges, much like King Henry V's army? A pending health crisis? Divorce? Financial difficulty? Job loss?

I write this after learning that my former coach faces a difficult battle ahead. It is in these moments when odds seem like giants and hope seems overshadowed and as trivial as the dirt beneath our feet. In moments like this, the battle between the ears can make us feel insignificant and alone, much like King Henry’s troops. However, there is a much more powerful alternative.

In the movie The Straight Story, the main character, Alvin Straight, is a 70-year-old man who learns that his estranged brother has had a stroke. Realizing that time is not on his side, he embarks on a 370-mile trip from Iowa to Wisconsin on a riding mower and trailer.

Along the way, he meets a teenage runaway who is scared of what her parents will say when they find out that she’s pregnant. Sitting by a campfire, Alvin is approached by the girl, and he offers her food and conversation. At the campfire, Alvin tells a story about a game he used to play with his children. He would give each of them a stick and say, "Try to break it," and they could because individually we are weak.

Then he would say, "Tie those sticks together and try to break them." And they couldn't. He would explain, "That's family. That's a bundle. That's a family. You can’t break family."

You see, King Henry V and Alvin Straight both knew a powerful secret about overcoming overwhelming odds - the power of WE.

WE need each other.

WE can overcome together. 

Please join me in keeping my coach in your thoughts and prayers! I love you coach and stand with you in your battle! 


Digitize and Summarize Written Text with ChatGPT

The more I use artificial intelligence the more I am finding ways to save time and improve accessibility. I recently came across a cool way of using Chat GPT to to extract written text from Post-it notes, whiteboards, and chart paper. This is a game-changer for digitizing text or summarizing notes. Check out two ideas for making this happen!

Idea #1: Digitize Written Text

You can extract text from any image with written text. Take a picture of a Post-it note filled with ideas, chart paper from your last faculty meeting, or written notes from a whiteboard or smartboard. Then ask ChatGPT to “Convert to Text.” Your text will be instantly converted into a digital format, allowing you to import it into Google Docs or Word.

Idea #2: Summarize Text

Need extra support with note-taking? Take a picture of lecture notes from a whiteboard, Smartboard, chart paper, or notebook. Then ask ChatGPT to “summarize the written text.” ChatGPT will instantly produce a summary that saves time and provides additional support for students who struggle with note-taking.


As the features of ChatGPT continue to advance, we can find new ways to make simple tasks even easier, such as organizing ideas, summarizing notes, and digitizing brainstorming sessions. Want to see this in action? Check out my video below for more information.

Matt Bergman (2024)

Combing Formative Assessment and Music with Suno

 Music is a universal language we can combine with formative assessment to engage students and determine their knowledge. Artificial intelligence is making it possible for students to demonstrate their understanding through creative ways like generating songs.

Suno is a tool that allows you to provide a prompt and generate a song for yourself. You can also write your own original lyrics, add the type of music you want, watch it, and create a song. The tool has a free version and a paid version. The free version allows you to generate up to 10 songs daily, which is a good deal.

According to Suno's terms of use, you must be at least 13 years old to use the tool. If you have students under 13, you could collaborate as a class to generate a song about what was learned that day. Then, give students the opportunity to practice their critical thinking skills to see if the information was correct or incorrect or what lyrics should be changed. 

Want to check out my song about UDL? Click here! 

Music has the power to engage students on a whole different level. This tool could be a great resource to help students connect with learning and exercise their creative side. Want to see how it works? Check out my video below.

The SCARF Model and Reflections on Leadership and Teaching

 When I was a young high school teacher, I had a student named Scott in one of my classes. He and I usually got along, but there was always an underlying tension because he was the only 10th grader in a predominantly 9th grade class.

My students were accustomed to making presentations in class from time to time. On the day of one of our class presentations, a group of 9th grade students commanded the attention of their classmates from the front of the classroom. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Scott had his hood up and his head was down on his desk.

I quietly walked over to Scott and whispered, "Is everything okay?" When I didn't get an answer, I tapped his desk and repeated my question. Suddenly, Scott exploded in a tirade of emotion. He flipped over his chair, screamed obscenities, and walked right out the door. My class and I were stunned and confused by Scott's behavior.

Looking back, I was always confused by what happened that day. However, a recent article about the SCARF model immediately grabbed my attention and made me recall that distant day.

The SCARF Model

The SCARF model was designed by neuroscience researcher David Rock. The model is an acronym representing the different areas influencing human behavior and the triggers we experience as children and adults. Understanding this information can help us become better leaders, teachers, parents, and members of society. Let's dig into this acronym to learn more about the triggers that impact our behavior and reactions toward others.

  • Status: Status refers to our perception of our personal worth and importance to other people. When we feel of high status, we may feel comfortable and confident in a group. However, if our status is threatened, we may become defensive and even combative. This can happen when we're criticized or receive unsolicited advice. We can positively affect someone triggered by status by providing positive feedback, showing respect, and offering public acknowledgment.

  • Certainty: Certainty refers to the ability to predict the future or the stability we feel about the people, events, and environments in our lives. When we feel that others are non-transparent, unpredictable, and even dishonest, it can disrupt our sense of certainty. If certainty is lost, it can create aggravation and agitation inside, and we will do anything to regain a level of certainty. Therefore, it's very important to provide clarity, stability, and safety so that our followers, students, and peers feel certain.

  • Autonomy: Autonomy refers to our sense of control over events and people in the world around us. We are wired to desire autonomy and choice over the circumstances in our lives. When this is disrupted, it can often take the form of micromanagement, restrictions, and even manipulative behavior. We can foster a positive relationship with someone triggered by autonomy by providing choices that empower them and giving them responsibility.

  • Relatedness: Humans have been wired for connection since the dawn of time. Our ancient ancestors found safety in numbers, tribes, colonies, and groups. Being separated from the group meant certain death and isolation. We live in a world that is highly connected digitally but are extremely isolated and often lack the types of relationships our grandparents had. Relatedness means feeling safe around other people. When we don't feel safe around others physically, emotionally, and psychologically, it can trigger a response to protect ourselves—often a fight or flight response. We can support someone triggered by relatedness by developing positive relationships, being supportive, building trust, and even mentoring.

  • Fairness: A sense of fairness is ingrained in our human existence. Disagreements, social movements, protests, broken relationships, and even wars are created when there is a sense of unfairness and injustice. We yearn for equality and value in our peers' eyes. This can be quickly broken by unequal conditions, a lack of consistency, and preferential treatment. Therefore, it's very important to ensure we're transparent in our decisions and communication, have clear boundaries, and consider all perspectives when making decisions.


When I look back on that day, I realize I made several mistakes. First of all, I grew angry with Scott for his emotional outburst because my status was challenged. I called the office and wrote a scathing discipline referral. I didn't want to hear Scott's perspective or address the situation. I simply wrote Scott off and ignored him. Whenever Scott acted out again, I sent him to the office and wrote him up.

I never considered that Scott had a variety of factors influencing his outburst. There was an underlying tension throughout that semester based on his status. He was a 10th-grade student in a predominantly 9th-grade class, which most certainly hurt his sense of importance and value among others. He perceived himself as less than his classmates because he had failed the previous year and had to repeat the class.

I also didn't consider that Scott had a very difficult morning before he even walked into my classroom. There was a sense of uncertainty in his household that was still triggering him hours later. There's an expression I absolutely love that says, "Everyone's fighting a battle that others know nothing about. Be kind." I was unaware of many of the battles Scott was facing before he came into my classroom, such as a broken relationship with his parents, issues with friends, no food, and a variety of other factors.

This is not to say that my decision to address Scott's behavior was wrong, but I think I would have handled it differently. I probably would have had an honest conversation with him, giving him the opportunity to speak and allowing myself to listen to create a sense of relatedness and autonomy. I still would have communicated my expectations, but giving Scott the opportunity to be heard and to save face might have been a better approach.

Reflecting on my mistakes as a leader through the SCARF model, I remember the time I challenged a well-established veteran in the middle of a meeting, creating discomfort for everyone in the room. My ego was triggered because I felt that my status was threatened, so I returned the favor by threatening the status of this individual. Things were never the same between us, and people within the organization quickly took sides. There is no winner in that situation.

There was also the time when I felt completely mistreated because I had taken a position where I was paid poorly and overworked. I communicated the unfairness to anyone who would listen and eventually quit that position. When the position was opened for others within the organization to apply for, I quickly discouraged anyone from applying because it was completely unfair and not worth the money. My boss quickly caught wind of my campaign, and I was firmly told to change my approach. The negative interaction with this person has created professional roadblocks for me ever since. If I could go back and talk to my younger self, I would educate them on trying to view things from a different perspective and taking a different approach.

If I had known about the SCARF model, I believe I would be a completely different educator, leader, father, husband, son, and person. Not only would I have been more aware of my triggers, I would have been more aware of how my actions and words impact others.

5 Tips for Engaging Learners with UDL

Phillip Schlechty (2011) theorized that the highest levels of learner engagement require learners' full attention and commitment. While some learners may exhibit "ritual compliance," simply meeting minimum expectations without true investment, educators strive to cultivate a deeper level of engagement. Building on Schlechty's (2011) framework, which emphasizes both attention and commitment, the goal is to guide learners toward a state of high engagement where they are actively involved and deeply invested in the learning process.

Learner engagement is paramount to learning. When learners are engaged, they are not passively receiving information but actively participating in the learning process through asking questions, making connections, and applying what they have learned. This deeper involvement leads to better understanding and retention. Educators can design a curriculum and learning environment that effectively cultivates both affect and cognition by providing Multiple Means of Engagement,

5 Tips for Engaging Learners with UDL

Imagine that you have noticed a gradual decline in student engagement and participation as an educator. To create a dynamic learning environment, you are ready to modify your approach with a few new strategies:

Learner Profiles: Using a learner profile can be an effective way to understand the interests, strengths, challenges, preferences, and needs of your learners. This knowledge can help you design a curriculum that is engaging and tailored to their needs, and ultimately help them grow as learners.

Relevance: Making learning relevant and culturally responsive is an essential aspect of education. When educational materials lack relevance and fail to resonate with learners' cultural backgrounds, engagement becomes challenging. Aligning the curriculum with students' diverse perspectives cultivates active participation and advanced cognitive skills. For example, are there ways to connect math problems to student interests? Do you provide materials and resources that offer different perspectives? Are there opportunities to connect student’s native languages and backgrounds to learning?

Flexible Options: Providing learners with autonomy and choice leads to increased engagement. Find ways to give learners flexible content, materials, and assessment options. For example, can learners have options for learning content through digital and printed materials? Can learners have options for how they demonstrate their understanding or skills? Do learners have helpful scaffolds and supports such as templates, video tutorials, hyperlinks, speech-to-text technology, etc.?

Learner-Centered Approach: A learner-centered approach prioritizes student ownership of their learning, shifting from a teacher-centered approach. This approach fosters autonomy and gives students a deeper role in the educational process, which leads to increased engagement and a more meaningful learning experience. Teachers can act as guides to students by providing them with personalized support they need to succeed.

Social Emotional Learning: Teaching Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills can help learners handle learning challenges, manage emotions, develop relationships, and collaborate effectively with others.


Engaged learners are motivated and interested in the topic because they are curious, eager to learn more, and willing to put effort into the required material. In addition, research consistently shows a positive correlation between learner engagement and academic achievement because engaged learners perform better on tests, have higher grades, and are more likely to graduate. We can make a tremendous impact by providing learners with options for engaging in learning and in the learning environment. 

The Medium is the Message: Using UDL to Provide Multiple Means of Representation

Canadian philosopher and author Marshall McLuhan introduced the popular phrase “the medium is the message” in his groundbreaking 1964 book Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. McLuhan suggested that mediums carry more than just a message; they also can shape our learning experiences, memories, and comprehension.


Michael and Just (2001) of Carnegie Mellon University used brain imaging to show that our brains process spoken and written language differently. The study suggested that listening and reading create different memories and activate different brain regions. For instance, listening activates more working memory than reading, likely because spoken language is fleeting and requires immediate processing. The study doesn't say which method is better, but rather that the best method depends on the individual, the content, and the purpose.

Designing Accessible Materials and Methods:

Learners are highly variable in how they perceive information and construct meaning, meaning the way information is presented (text, video, lecture, etc.) dramatically impacts how well we learn it. This idea echoes the famous quote, "The medium is the message," meaning the format can shape the content. Research indicates that the Recognition Network, a specialized region located in the back portion of the brain, is heavily involved in how learners process information and turn it into learning.

The Recognition Network is like a filing system in the brain, helping learners identify, interpret, and build connections, which ultimately help construct meaning. This brain region excels at interpreting information and recognizing patterns in new information, such as identifying a red apple. Then, information is further broken down into categories (red color, round shape) and connected with background information and similar patterns stored in your memory (other red objects). The initial groundwork of identifying familiar elements lays the foundation for higher-level brain regions to operate.


Therefore, educators should consider providing learners with multiple options and formats to represent new information. This approach can assist learners in identifying, interpreting, making connections, and constructing meaning more efficiently. Additionally, the accessibility of materials and communication mediums should be considered, as each has its distinct advantages and limitations. For instance, offering learners only printed text can create unintentional barriers to learning (see graphic below).

Multiple Means of Representation

Educators can create a more inclusive and engaging learning environment if they understand that each communication medium has distinct characteristics. Additionally, learners need information offered through multiple formats through the UDL principle of Multiple Means of Representation and its supporting guidelines.

A table containing tips for applying UDL

Applying UDL

Here are a few tips and tricks for increasing the accessibility of instructional materials.
  • Multiple Formats: Offer information in various formats beyond just text. Include audio recordings of written content, captions and transcripts for videos, and visuals with clear descriptions.
  • Closed Captioning. Utilize closed-captioning when showing videos or having a synchronous video discussion through platforms like Zoom.
  • Digital Accessibility. Ensure digital materials are compatible with screen readers and other assistive technologies. Use clear formatting, proper heading structures, and alt text for images.
  • Visual Design: Use high-contrast colors and clear fonts in presentations and documents. Avoid relying solely on color to convey information.
  • Variety of Instruction: Present information in multiple ways, using verbal explanations, written instructions, and visual aids.
  • Flexible Learning Materials: Offer options for taking notes or completing assignments. This could include allowing recordings of lectures, providing graphic organizers, or offering alternative assignment formats.

Here is a blog post on 5 Tips for Redesigning Your Reading Assignments with UDL in Mind.

Links to an external site.


Matt Bergman (2024)

Blended Learning and UDL Lesson Planning Flowchart

If you are a UDL practitioner, Blended Learning is an excellent student-centered approach that can be incorporated into the classroom. It emphasizes the importance of using technology to personalize learning and give students autonomy over their path, pace, time, and place. There are seven different Blended Learning models, which require educators to make the shift from a teacher-centered to a learner-centered approach to learning. 

However, how do you plan with UDL and Blended Learning in mind? I developed the following flowchart to guide educators through the process of planning blended lessons with accessibility, flexibility, and student engagement in mind! 

Want a PDF version? Click here

Matt Bergman (2024)

10 Tips for Building Better Learning Goals

Goals are not just the foundation; they are the roadmap for effectively planning a UDL lesson. They often serve as a roadmap, providing students with a clear direction for their learning journey. They answer the essential question: "What will I be able to know or do by the end of this lesson/unit/course?"

Goals are often derived from broader academic standards designed to help students develop essential skills and knowledge over the long term. For example, a science goal might be "Students will be able to explain the water cycle and its impact on weather patterns." This aligns with a specific science standard that emphasizes understanding core environmental processes.

Clear learning goals are not just tools, they are powerful tools for educators and students. They provide a sense of purpose, allowing students to track their progress and celebrate their achievements. Students who understand the "why" behind their learning become more engaged and motivated to reach their full potential.

With this in mind, here are ten tips for building better learning goals. Click here for access to the PDF with active links. 

Matt Bergman (2024)

4 Ways to Use Brisk AI in Teaching

I recently came across an AI tool called Brisk, which operates as a Chrome Extension that you can use to inspect student work, detect AI, and generate content! Brisk has four important features:

1. Create 

Teachers can used Brisk to create lesson plans, exemplars, quizzes, and more! Note: There is a free and a paid version of this tool, so some of the paid features are identified by a lock icon. 

Library of features

2. Inspect

Teachers can use the Inspect feature to see a video history of the creation of a Google Doc, which is perfect for identifying potential plagiarism issues by copy and paste. In addition, there is an AI detection tool that identifies potential use of AI in the assignment. 


3. Change Reading Level

Did you know that you can change the reading level and language of a Google Doc? This is perfect for providing students with differentiated options for reading a text. 

Change reading level box

4. Give Feedback 

Need a tool for providing better feedback to students? Brisk provides a variety of options for providing the right type of feedback for students. I personally like the Glow and Grow option! 

Feedback styles box


Brisk is a simple, but powerful tool that teachers can use to save time, increase efficiency, and provide valuable feedback through a variety of means. It saves you time, while increasing your effectiveness as a teacher. Check it out today! 

Mundo: A Safe AI Tool for Students

As our world continues to advance in its application of AI, it is important to educate our students and teachers on the potential of generat...