Getting Ready for #PETEC14 with AudioBoo

I am really excited to make a return to PETE&C in Hershey, PA on Monday, February 10th. I will be making 2 presentations!  Please feel free to check them out!
  • 5 Awesome Ways To Use Weebly In Schools from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM in the Cocoa Suite 5 (Hershey Lodge)
  • Changing Learning through AudioBoo from 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM in the Crystal A room (Hershey Lodge)

This week's post is very abbreviated because I am still putting the final touches on both presentations. You might be familiar with Weebly already, but I would like to get you excited about AudioBoo. Here are several resources to help you get started: 

1. Want to Use the Web Version of AudioBoo?  Check out this tutorial:

2. Want to Use the iPhone App of AudioBoo? Check out this tutorial:

Please feel free to say hello at either presentation. I love meeting my readers! You are all my inspiration and why I continue to write. 


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