TenMarks Math Summer Program

Summer is coming! Are you ready for cookouts, vacations, no school and enough time to forget all of those important math concepts we will be testing next year. Research shows students lose two to three months of grade level math equivalency over the summer. How do you help your students with retention over the summer?

TenMarks Math Summer Program

I recently wrote about TenMarks Math and its benefits; however, why not try out the FREE TenMarks Math summer program? It is a program designed to help students from grades 1 to Algebra 2 / Geometry. A personalized curriculum provides the scaffolds and supports to meet the individual needs. For example, if students get stuck on a problem, TenMarks provides embedded hints and video lessons to help them solve the problem.

Last summer, 69% of students who participated (over 8 weeks and 1 hour per week) showed an average 11% increase in scores from grade level assessments conducted at the beginning of the TenMarks Summer Math Program. Why was it so effective? It's engaging, relevant, and students actually want to use it! Why not hear it from the student's themselves?

Learn More!

Visit the TenMarks Math summer program to access materials and resources to share with classes and families. The information and materials provided is helpful information for families considering participation in the program. The TenMarks Summer Math Program begins May 19, 2015.

Want to learn more about TenMarks? Click here to check out more about the program! 

I Need Your Help! 
My video on using LiveBinders to Help All Students Learn is currently nominated for CAST's  #Looking4UDL  contest. Please "like" my video below to help me get to the next round! 

1. Click on the hyperlinked title below to go directly to YouTube
2. Click on "Like" 

Check out this link for other videos that are currently being nominated: http://ow.ly/LAyXW 

1 comment:

  1. I am going to check this out to see if it is a good fit for some our students who need some extra help over the summer. Thanks for sharing it.


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