7 Reasons Why SeeSaw is The Perfect Tool for All Learners

Are you using See Saw in the classroom? This is an excellent way to have students create a portfolio of learning experience artifacts. It is available as an App or as a web-based program. I have to admit, I had very little experience with it until my teachers introduced it to me.  Why do we like it so much?

#1 - Clear Goal and Flexible Means 

SeeSaw provides the perfect blend of tools to allow students express their knowledge and demonstrate their understanding. Students can show what they know in the way that works best for them through writing, drawing, recording, and importing projects from other applications. Students can actually see their growth through their contributions over time.

# 2 - A Great Way to Virtually Connect with Parents 

I am learning that my teacher's are masters of connecting parents and kids. They have found that SeeSaw is a great way to connect home and learning because parents can see what their child is creating and even comment on it!

# 3 - Device Agnostic 

SeeSaw is the perfect tool to use in any learning environment. Whether you have an iPad initiative, BYOD, laptops, or desktops, this tool is the perfect tool to use in your classroom.

# 4 - Control

Teachers have the ability to approve comments and posts, which is a great way to limit distractions and provide rich documentation on what occurred in class that day.

# 5 - No Logins! 

Think about how many usernames and passwords adults have to remember. It is just as bad for kids. If you are working with children under the age of 13, it becomes a COPPA issue. What I like about SeeSaw is that students can access their portfolio by scanning a QR Code or entering a web address. No login is needed!

# 6 - Interaction Galore! 

Chances are that our students will need to learn how to interact in an online learning environment. SeeSaw gives students tools to comment and "like" posts, which is the perfect way to teach valuable digital citizenship skills.

# 7 - It Can Be Used in Any Subject Area

Regardless of the subject you are teaching, students can use SeeSaw to solve math problems, make book reports, learn about historical events, and even document science experiments! What creative ways do you have to use SeeSaw? I'd love to hear them!

November is Click's for a Cause Month!

For the past three years, November has been "Clicks for a Cause" month. Every time that you visit my blog during the month of November, I will contribute a penny towards the medical fund of a child in need. Here are past beneficiaries of this project. 

Addison Mae Jacobs was born on January 13, 2015, 4 weeks premature. She was born at only 6 lbs 5 oz and 17.5 inches long.  On October 27, 2015, she was diagnosed with Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome (SDS), a devastating disease impacting only one in a million children. SDS is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, bone marrow dysfunction, leukemia predisposition, and skeletal abnormalities.

Addison is currently being seen by nine different medical specialists and her family is coordinating her care between Penn State Hershey Medical Center and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. There are many expensive surgeries, tests, and medical costs in her future.  Due to the costly nature of her care, travel expenditures and having to take significant amounts of time off work, her family has setup a GoFundMe account for Addison, as well as a support page to show updates and her progress.

How Can I Help?

I will be donating a penny for every visit to this blog during the month of November. Are you willing to help too?
  • Visit this blog, pray, or spread the word about Addison! 
  •  Become a Courageous giver and make a flat donation or match my donation  at the end of the month to Addison’s GoFundMe page

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