If you are an
Android or iPhone Google Calendar user, you may have noticed a new feature called Goals. This new feature will help you find time to work out, build a skill, spend time with friends and family, or spend some alone time. The best part is that the App does most of the work for you!
How Does It Work?
Instead of entering in a new event or task on your mobile device, choose the new Goal option. Then select the type of goal that you would like to set. Google Calendar currently will help you set goals to work out, build a skill, spend time with friends and family, schedule time for yourself, or help you organize your life.
Once you choose the type of goal you would like to set, you will be prompted to enter in information. For example, if you were to schedule an exercise goal, the App would want to know the type of exercise, frequency, duration, and best time for you.
Once you set the goal, it becomes apart of your Google Calendar schedule throughout the day. If you have to schedule another event during this time, the App will automatically reschedule for you.
Goal setting is an important part of learning, whether you are a student or adult because humans are naturally goal-oriented. In every human, there is a part of us that wants to measure our performance, accomplishments, and how we stack up against the competition. I
This is critical when we are in the process of learning a new skill or strategy. Goal-setting tools provide the supports we need to self-regulate our efforts. Although, goal-setting may look very different among learners, the Google Calendar App could provide a useful tool for students who engage with electronic media, are visually motivated, or need the scaffolds and supports that this tool provides.