How does it work?
When you open a set of flashcards in Quizlet, you will have the option to select the Learn feature. The learn feature tests your knowledge by giving you a variety of question types to choose from. The better you do, the harder the questions and question types.
After you choose "Learn," you can choose the Options feature to customize your study session (bottom-left corner of the Quizlet web version).
You can select from a variety of question types to customize your experience.
Finally, test yourself! As you progress through questions, Quizlet Learn keeps track of your performance! If you get a question wrong, it provides you with tools to correct your answer (see image below).
This is a free-feature of Quizlet and there is nothing special that you have to do. Have your students use this easy-to-use feature to transform the way that they study!
During the month of November, I need your help to make a difference for Ava and her family! Here is how!
- Visit and share blog posts - I will be personally donating 1 cent to her family’s medical fund for every blog visit for the entire month of November.
- Make a donation - for the price of coffee or lunch, make a donation to Addison’s fund via credit card, debit card, check, or cash. Sign up to make a donation using this Google Form. I will send you an invoice via PayPal. At the end of the month, I will make a donation directly to the family.
- Show your support with a Like - “Like” Ava’s Facebook page and share words of encouragement!
Clicks for a Cause has been helping children in need since 2013! For more information, check out my Clicks for a Cause Page!
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