UDL Lesson Planning with a POP

 Creating access to learning begins with designing with variability in mind. Check out the following graphic that I created, which details how you can plan accessible learning experiences using the POP method and UDL framework. 


Matt Bergman (2021)

Check out Matt's Podcast

3 Ways to Get Started with Flip Hunts on Flipgrid

Learning by doing is a great strategy for students to engage in learning! Flip Hunts are digital scavenger hunts powered by Flipgrid, which allow students to use the power of technology to demonstrate understanding in flexible and meaningful ways. It's a fun way to increase engagement and provide autonomy, as students can literally record themselves performing tasks associated with learning. 

You may be wondering, how do I get started? Here are three ways to get started!

1. Check Out Existing Flip Hunts on Flipgrid!

If you visit Flipgrid, visit the Discovery Tab and search for existing Flip Hunts that can be shared and edited! 

BONUS TIP! Please check out this awesome blog post by Kathi Kersznowski. She does an amazing job describing Flip Hunts! 

2. Create Your Own Flip Hunt Template

Rather create your own? I have created my own template for creating your own Flip Hunt! Click here to make your own copy of the Google Doc and have fun!

3. Watch My Crash Course Video on Creating a Flip Hunt!

Rather see it in action? I created the following step-by-step video to help you create your own Flip Hunts! Feel free to check it out. 


Matt Bergman (2021)

Check out Matt's Podcast

Make Google Forms Quizzes Accessible with Mote

Google Forms are a great way for assessing students; however, does this format work for all students? Remote learning has taught many of us the importance of planning for the margins and making learning accessible for ALL students from the beginning.

 Mote is a great tool to embed audio for students who may need the extra support of having instructions read to them. If the goal is to assess their knowledge of a topic, then it might be helpful to provide flexible ways of getting there. Plus, it embeds the audio directly in your Google Form! No need to go elsewhere! 

Check out my video for using Mote and Google Forms!

Want to learn more about Mote? Check out my previous blog post on this topic! It has amazing possibilities for any classroom. 

5 Podcasting Tools You Can Use for Next School Year

Although podcasting has been around for a while, I never really integrated it into my classroom because I didn't think I had the use. However, there are so many great ideas that you could use podcasting for! Here are some awesome tools you could use for Podcasting!

Garage Band

Garage Band is an Apple App that can be used to record podcasts on your MacBook, iPhone, or iPad. Simply use the narration mode feature and you will create a podcast in minutes. Imagine having your students putting together a talk show to discuss the latest chapter or unit!


Seesaw isn't just for screen recordings. You can use the audio record feature to have your students practice sharing facts that they learned from the lesson today. It could provide students with an opportunity to reflect on what they learned and comment on their classmate's work, all within a safe environment. 


Did you know that Screencastify can record audio too? You can use the free version of Screencastify to record audio and publish it to your Google Drive! Imagine having students share strategies for solving that word problem in class! 


Flipgrid now has an audio record only. Imagine having your students put together an interview of a historical figure. They could publish their "interview" on Flipgrid and open it up for comments! 


Finally, if you are interested in making and publishing your own podcast, I highly recommend Anchor! You could record lessons for students to listen to on Spotify or share your knowledge with the world. I recently decided to use Anchor as a platform to share my passion for learning from life lessons and mistakes! It is called Conversations in the Paint Department. Check it out and let me know what you think! 

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New Learn Lead Grow Home!

Hello readers! Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe that 15 years have passed since I launched my Learn Lead Grow blog. As we step into a n...