A Google a Day is a rather unique way of teaching your students how to research, while trying to answer a trivia question. You are given a question at the bottom of your screen, while you use a Google powered search to find the answers. Although still in its infancy, it may be a great way to help your students learn how to search for information.
"A Google a Day is a new daily puzzle that can be solved using your creativity and clever search skills on Google. Questions will be posted every day on agoogleaday.com and printed on weekdays above the New York Times crossword puzzle," states Google.
The most interesting thing about Google's new site is that it uses something called Deja Google which leaves out recent web pages, giving users a spoil free experience. You could easily make this into an individual activity each day, if you have the luxury of computers for each student in your classroom.
You could easily make it into a whole group activity, where students could help you search for information. You could extend the activity by providing higher level thinking questions.