3 Ways to Use #Draggo to Bookmark NOW!

Summer is often a time that educators use to recharge, brush up on their reading, and learn new technologies. As many of us prepare for summer break, you may want to consider using Draggo as a way to do all of these things. Draggo is a free social bookmarking site that is easy to set up and easy to save.

Here are three ways you can use Draggo right now: 

1. Create a summer reading list! Save links to your favorite books and articles on Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, and Edutopia. Instead of having to sign into each site and view your "wishlist," you can see them all in one location. You can even share with your colleagues and friends!

2. Want to explore new technologies over the summer? Draggo gives you an easy to save and use platform to store all of those sites you want to explore over the summer. The tab feature allows you to separate your personal and professional life. Save links for school in your own public professional tab, while personal information is in its own private tab.

3. Are your students completing a project? Why not create a tab for students in your classroom to use if they need access to resources and links?  You can create a new category for each project in your classroom to keep it better organized.

Want to learn more? I can help you get started in 3 minutes!

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