ChatterPix #iPad App: Making Your Pictures Speak a Thousand Words

You've heard the expression, "pictures speak a thousand words." ChatterPix is a free iPad App to help make your pictures speak. Maybe not a thousand words, but at least 30 seconds worth.

How does it work?
  1. Take a photo or upload any picture on your camera roll to the ChatterPix App. 
  2. Draw a line on the picture to make a mouth
  3. Record your voice
  4. Watch your picture "chatter!" 
There are several ways to customize your photo through stickers, text, and frames. Not only is it easy to use, but it is easy to share. Your ChatterPix will save to your camera roll and can be easily shared. 

Want to learn more?

Check out this video: 

Why should you use this? 

This may not be a bad time of year to experiment with this App because students are always looking for new ways to show what they know.  It is engaging and motivating! Why? There is just something entertaining about pictures that talk! It is also the perfect tool for both visual and auditory learners because it forces them to quickly get their message across (30 second limit). 

How can you use this? 
  • If you are a history teacher, imagine having students give a brief biography of historical figures. 
  • If you are a language arts teacher, imagine having your students analyze a character in a passage. 
  • If you are a math teacher, imagine having students define a vocabulary term or how to solve a problem.
  • If you are a science teacher, imagine having students describe an element or the habitat of a particular creature. 
What if you don't have iPads? 

If you do not have iPads in your classroom, another alternative is the free website Blabbarize. I have written about this site in the past. Essentially it does the same thing. 

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