From S to R, Teaching #Vocabulary with #SAMR #Eddies14

I am a finalist for the 2014 Edublog Awards for Best Ed Tech / Sharing Blog, Best Teacher Blog, and Best Individual Blog. If you like what you see, it would mean so much if you cast a vote for me HERE. Voting takes place until 11:59 pm on Monday, December 15th.

What does effective technology integration look like? I believe it starts with how technology is implemented. In other words, successful technology integration is not about the tool, but how the tool is used.

What is SAMR?

SAMR Model
If you are not familiar with the SAMR model, Kathy Schrock has an excellent resource to understand it. This is a popular model was developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura and stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition. Think of SAMR as a lens to view the pairing of effective instruction and technology integration.

How would you integrate SAMR into teaching vocabulary? 

S - Substitution:

The lowest level of SAMR is known as Substitution, meaning technology is a direct substitute for paper and pencil. Here is an idea:

  • Students type their vocabulary terms in a Google Doc. At this stage, we are helping students remember information. 

A - Augmentation

Augmentation is still a lower level of technology use; however, the biggest difference between Substitution and Augmentation is the way technology offers functional improvements. At this level, you are helping students understand and apply their knowledge. Here are some ideas:

  • Develop Quizlet  flashcards for students to review terms, listen to the term being read, play review games, and take quizzes.  
  • Create a FlipQuiz game board to have students review terms, which is an alternative to Jeopardy PowerPoints. 
  • Create an Edmodo vocabulary quiz and analyze results. Need help doing so? Check out my tutorial on how to make Edmodo Quizzes
  • Create an interactive Purpose Game, where students have to identify terms on an interactive graphic that you create. Check out my post on Purpose Games. 
The line between SA and MR is where using technology goes from enhancing to transforming the way students use technology to learn. 

M - Modification

Modification is where high levels of technology combine with applying, analyzing, and evaluating to create a significant task redesign. Without technology, you wouldn't be able to do the task. Here are some ideas:
  • Assign each student a vocabulary term, which they will use MoveNote to develop an interactive video that defines the term. Check out my post about MoveNote for ideas. 
  • Have students use the Educreations  iPad App to develop a screencast, which defines the term or concept. Want a PC screencasting alternative? Why not use Screencast-o-Matic
  • Have students explain the meaning of the term through Tellagami, a free App, where you can combine your voice with an avatar for a 30 second view. 
  • A good friend of mine uses iMovie to have her students create iMovie Trailers of each vocabulary term. 
R - Redefinition

Interactive Word Wall with QR Code
Redefinition is where higher level thinking (creativity and evaluation) and high levels of technology integration converge to create new tasks previous inconceivable. Here are some ideas:
  • Check out my blog post on 3 Ways to Make Word Walls more Accessible to Students.


Carl Hooker's SAMR Pool
One of my favorite illustrations of the SAMR model comes from Carl Hooker, who has coined the SAMR pool model. Think of Substitution and
Augmentation as swimming in the shallow end of the instructional pool, while Modification and Redefinition represent the deep end of the pool. We can't spend all of our time on one end or the other. To help students learn, there are times when we have to swim to one side and then the other.

Like I had mentioned before, think of SAMR as a lens to view instruction and technology. When used effectively, the results are amazing!

Share the Love with a Vote! 

My blog has been nominated in several categories for this year's Edublog Awards! If you enjoy reading this blog, please share the love and vote for Learn-Lead-Grow. I created this page to help you with voting because it can be a little tricky.

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