Making Communication with Parents Easy: How Easy SchoolCircle is to Use (Part 2)

Saving time and making communication with parents more efficient has never been easier than with SchoolCircle,  a free website allows you to communicate quickly to entire groups or individual parents. My last post provided you with a brief introduction, but how does it work?

Step 1: Create Your Circle

After you sign up as a teacher, you will be prompted to create your own class, which is known as a circle. I named mine Mr. Bergman's Class.

Step 2: Invite Circle Members 

If you visit "Manage Members" on your dashboard and select "Invite," you will be able to invite parents as circle members. You will need to copy and paste your parent's email addresses in the space provided and click Send. School Circle automatically sends an email to parents! When parents receive the email, they will be prompted to create an account.

Step 3: Start Using SchoolCircle!

There are several things that you can do with SchoolCircle:

  • Create a Task - this is the perfect way to ask for volunteers and receive donations. Simply provide a description, share documents, add a due date, assign a number of volunteers needed, and even ask for specific food items!

  • Create an Event - perhaps you have an event that you are planning, like a class party or field trip. This allows you to do many of the same things that a task can do, but provides you several other features: create a starting and ending time, add a location, and even make it a reoccurring event. 

  • Create an Announcement - want to quickly share an announcement with parents without sending a hundred emails? Creating an announcement allows you to share information quickly and attach important documents to it!

  • Have Individual Conversations - this is exactly like it states, have individual conversations with parents in a private discussion forum setting. 

After experimenting with SchoolCircle, I found it to be a perfect tool for the elementary and middle school classrooms. I also found that you are able to upload photos and files to SchoolCircle, which can be accessed by parents. This can be a helpful way to share information that may need to be accessed throughout the year.

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