3 Tips to Make Navigation Easy in a Google Doc

Navigating through Google Docs can be easy or a challenge for students and adults alike. Here are three different ways to quickly navigate and access resources in a Google Doc.

1. Use Bookmarks

You can bookmark different parts of your document to hyperlink to. A bookmark is simply a placeholder in a document. You can hyperlink to this placeholder in just a few steps. How does this work?

  • First, create your Bookmark by highlight the text that you want to hyperlink to, choose the Insert Menu, and select Bookmark. A Bookmark icon will appear in the column of your Doc. 

  • Next, think about where you will need to create a hyperlink, which will take you to this bookmark. Simply highlight your text, choose hyperlinks and click on "Bookmarks." 

2. Create a Table of Contents

You can create a Table of Contents in Google Docs to hyperlink to different parts of your document. You need to make sure that the text that you want to appear in your table of contents is in Heading 1, 2, 3, etc. format.

Check out my blog post or video below for more information!

3. Use the Outline Feature

The outline view is a great feature to help anyone navigate your document. It provides you with a panel (in the left-margin of your screen) listing all of the headings appearing in your document. Click on any heading in this panel and you will automatically be hyperlinked to that section in your document. This is a great way to navigate long documents. Only text in the Heading format will appear in your room. How can you turn this feature on? Visit the Tools menu and select Document Outline. 

Create Your Own Google Custom Search Engine!

Do you have your students search for information on the Internet? Many educators have their students filter through thousands of resources to find information, yet many students still cite Wikipedia as a primary source.

Creating a Google Custom Search (GCS) engine may be a good strategy to scaffold the research process for students who struggle with finding information. A GCS creates your own Google search engine, searching through only the websites you provide. For instance, if you require students to search through CNN, Fox, and CNBC's website, your search engine will only search through these websites. No Wikipedia!

How do you do this? 

Simply visit Google Custom Search and sign in with your Google account.

Next, click "Add" and begin adding the sites you would like in your search engine.

Then, hit "Create" at the bottom of your page and give your search engine a name!

Finally, get the code to embed on your class website or get the public URL to share the link with your students.


This is the perfect resource for providing students with scaffolding for research. The best part, is that you can continue to add to the search engine throughout the year.

 Happy searching!

3 Easy Steps to Go to Section Upon Answer in Google Forms

There are many great features in Google Forms. Going to a page based on an answer is one of my favorites. This is the perfect way to differentiate assignments, review correct and incorrect answers, and more! How do you use this valuable feature? Let me show you how!

Step 1: Create Your Form

Visit Google Forms and create your first question. In order to go to a page based on an answer, I recommend creating a multiple choice question.

Step 2: Create a New Section 

In order to go to a "page based on answer," you will need to create a "section" to redirect your audience. In this example, I will create one section, which will be used to help my correct my audience and help them understand the correct answer to my question.

How do you do this? Simply use the toolbar on the right-side of your screen and choose "Add Section" (icon with two rectangles).

When you create this new section, you will probably want to name it something that you will remember. It may be helpful to add text, videos, pictures, and / or links to help get your point across.

Step 3: Set-up "Go to Section Upon Answer"

Select your original multiple choice question. In the bottom right-hand corner, you will notice three dots. Click on the three dots and choose "Go to Section Upon Answer."

You will notice that a drop-down box appears next to each multiple choice question. You can select a section where your students will go based upon their answer.


This is the perfect tool for helping students learn from their mistakes, differentiating assignments, etc. You can get very creative with how you use this awesome feature! Need a video tutorial to learn how to do this? Check out my video below:

My Leadership Journey: A Simple Thought in a Complicated World

I am not a politician, nor do I enjoy politics; however, several recent events occurring in our country have saddened me. The actions in Charlottesville, Virginia last week are contrary to the vision of the many great leaders in our country. Unfortunately, the actions in Virginia revealed an undercurrent of tension that has existed in not only our country - but our world - for quite some time.

It saddens me that we value or devalue human worth, based upon the superficial characteristics of gender, race, religion, culture, and sexual orientation - to say a few. We are all humans. We all have value. Perhaps, our nation, our world, and our leaders need to look at life through the eyes of our children.

Although I have been a secondary teacher most of my career, I have recently been given the privilege of working at an elementary school. The children have taught me so much about leadership and what it means to be an effective leader.

When I look through the eyes of our students, I see what life is all about:

  • I see students who are willing to sacrifice and share with another person because the other person does not have food, drink, or even a crayons.
  • I see diverse groups of children befriending and playing with each other on a playground.
  • I see best-friends who look, act, and come from entirely different backgrounds. 
  • I see smiles and wonder.
  • I hear encouraging words between students of different genders and races.
  • I hear the words "I am sorry" when someone is wrong.
  • I feel the embrace of a child, who wants to show that they care.
  • I feel the definition of true love. 
When I look into the eyes of our students and my own children, I am encouraged that love still exists. I am still encouraged that children see value in others beyond the superficial definitions of human value or devalue - mostly created by adults. 

Regardless of your stance, perhaps you may agree that we all need to take a step back for a moment and see the world through our children's eyes.  Perhaps we would see that we may need to change our actions, words, and thoughts. Perhaps, we may even need to change how we value others. 

It's just a thought - a very simple thought - in such a noisy and complicated world. 

3 New Google Classroom Features to Start the School Year

With the new school year starting, many teachers are eager to use Google Classroom. Here are 3 new features to start the school year.

1 - Single View of Student Work

Students now have a page called "Your Work," which lists all assigned, missing, returned and graded work. This is a great tool to help students stay organized. How do students view this feature? 
  • Open up a class in Google Classroom
  • Click or tap on the "About" tab
  • Click or tap on "Your Work"

2 - Display Your Class Code in Full Screen
One of the first challenges with Google Classroom is getting students enrolled in your class. If you remember, they will need a class code to join (this is a one time thing!). Google Classroom now lets you display the code in fullscreen, which makes it much easier for students to see. This feature is only available for teachers! 

How do you do this? 
  • You will need to make sure that you are in the web-version of Google Classroom. 
  • Visit the Students Tab
  • On the left-side of your screen, you will see the class code. Choose the dropdown arrow next to your class code and select "Display Code." 

3 - New Organization Features!

Google realizes that organization is essential for teachers. Google Classroom now has features to help you organize your classes and gradebook.

A. Whether you are a teacher or student, you can customize the order of your class cards and reorder your home page.

B. Teachers now have the ability to add decimals to grades! 

C. Teachers can transfer ownership of classes to other teachers! 

D. If you need to access other Apps while you are in Google Classroom, you have the ability to choose the Apps Launcher (Google Bar) or sometimes called "waffle" to access other apps. 

My Leadership Journey: 3 Ways to Reject Rejection

As of August 2017, I have interviewed 40 different leaders. Most of the leaders that I have interviewed have experienced rejection. Many have experienced rejection so painful that it has brought back tears many years later. Unfortunately, leaders must experience rejection to grow and expand their abilities.

Changing Our Views on Rejection

In his book Rejection Proof, Jia Jiang discusses the idea that rejection is merely a human opinion. Rejection is painful and something that everyone experiences and can take many different shapes. Whether it is being passed up for an opportunity, not holding value in another's eyes, it can have lasting effects on our lives.

Many people are unable to let go of their rejections, which severely limits their potential. What if we were to change our thoughts on rejection? What if we were to see rejection as an opportunity? It could change the way we live our lives. How we handle rejection makes all of the difference because it has a lasting effect on our lives, leadership abilities, and legacy. Here are some tips to reject rejection and reach your full potential.

1 - Change How You Look at Rejection

Imagine yourself as a piece of driftwood tossing along waves of rejection that push and pull you to your destination. You have no control over the waves and where they may take you; however, your journey will season and prepare you for your eventual destination. Your rejections are preparing you for your destination! Be patient because you will have an opportunity someday.

2 - Embrace the Detour

Many of us view rejection as a barrier; however, there are times when rejection serves as a detour. Several years ago, I was told that I did not have leadership potential and I would never make it as a principal. I am thankful for that experience because it helped me see that I was not passionate about handling discipline problems. I was passionate about educational technology. The rejection propelled me into creating this blog, sharing ideas with colleagues, and focusing my attentions on becoming a top-notch educator.

3 - Be Thankful for Your Rejections

It may sound weird, but I am learning to be thankful for my rejections. Unfortunately, our talents and abilities are not always appreciated and recognized by others. Instead of stewing in what people "should" think of you, why not give thanks for other opportunities?

In a previous post, I had mentioned that I have been overlooked for leadership positions within my organization; however, I am thankful for the rejection. Why? Instead of having to leave my job to gain valuable leadership experiences, I have the opportunity to serve as a consultant schools, colleges, and universities across the country and serve as a faculty member at Harvard University for two summers. The opportunities have provided me with valuable experiences that will someday hold value in another's eyes.


Just like a piece of driftwood eventually reaches the shore, you too will reach your destination. You will reach a destination where you are valued, respected, and appreciated. You have an incredible opportunity to change the way that you look at rejection. You are blessed with the gift of time, which will season your abilities and add to your experiences. The rejections that you face from others will help refine your passions and possibly detour your God-given destination. Be thankful for your rejections, because how you view rejection has the power to make or break you.

Mundo: A Safe AI Tool for Students

As our world continues to advance in its application of AI, it is important to educate our students and teachers on the potential of generat...