Leave Notes or Take Notes on Any Webpage with Note Anywhere

Technology is a fantastic tool for students and teachers alike; however, it can be frustrating if you forget specific instructions for navigating a website, remember to take notes, or need a helpful reminder from time to time.

The same holds true for our students. What if there was a way for students to access essential notes or custom instructions on a website? Note Anywhere is a Chrome Extension that will help you do precisely that.

Use Note Anywhere to have your students add a note or notes to a webpage. Individual notes are loaded every time that the student visits a specific webpage.

This is a great tool for students to use to customize their learning experience on their device. For instance, let's say that you want students to take notes on a website. They can use the Note Anywhere extension to add their very own notes to the webpage. At this time, notes cannot be shared across accounts; however, this is an excellent tool for students to take ownership of their learning.

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