Take the Guess Out of Research: Create Your Own Custom #Google Search Engine

One of the biggest challenges of having students research information is finding appropriate resources. In a previous post, I had suggested Five Google Search Tips to Make Your Life Easier; however, how do you support students who have difficulty finding resources? How do you provide relevant resources for your students with learning disabilities to use? A great solution could be to create your own Google Custom Search engine.

What is it? 

Google Custom Search engines allow you to create your own search engine (powered by Google of course). You determine which sites students can use and cannot use.

For example, I recently had my students do a project on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs; however, I did not want them to use Wikipedia. I copied and pasted the URL of several relevant articles into my search engine, which I shared with students. When students typed in "Hierarchy of Needs," my custom search engine filtered information from my suggested articles and NOT Wikipedia. Check it out here!

How do you create one? 

Step 1: First you want to make sure that you login to Google using your Google login. Then you will need to visit the Google Custom Search Engine page.

Step 2: When you sign in, you will be directed to your dashboard. Choose "Add" to create your own search engine.

Step 3: Copy and paste the URL's of websites that you want students to "search" through. There are other advanced options that you can choose from as well; however, this is the easiest way to set up your search engine.

Step 4: Give your search engine a name and click create! How do you share your search engine? Google provides you with a URL which you can share with students in your classroom.

Need help? Check out my tutorial on YouTube!

November is Clicks for a Cause Month!
Last November, I started a new tradition called "Clicks for a Cause." The concept was easy. You visit my blog, I donate!

I would like to continue again this year! For each visit to my blog during November, I would donate a penny to help baby Adam Maldonado and his family. Adam has been through more surgeries and procedures in his short life time, than most of us have been through our entire life. See his story here

At the end of November, I will be making a contribution to the family's GoFundMe page, to help with the enormous medical bills his heart procedures have cost. 

How can you get involved?
  • Visit and share my blog with others. I have others who are matching my contribution. The more clicks, the more money we raise! 
  • Like Adam's Facebook page and keep updated on his condition.
  • Pray for Adam and his family!
  • Make a contribution to the family's  GoFundMe page
  • Please contact me if you have any questions or if you have a  HEART to help a child in need!

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New Learn Lead Grow Home!

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