Easy as 1, 2, 3: Math iPad Apps

My five year-old son Trey is in Kindergarten and loves math. He is constantly counting, writing down his numbers, and adding up his animal crackers. He is my inspiration for today's post about iPad Apps to help with Math.

1. Number Pieces

Learning place value is one of foundations of learning in the mathematics classroom. Many teachers utilize base ten blocks in their classroom; however, how can you help students learn this valuable concept through the power of technology?

Number Pieces is a free app to help students understand this very important concept. Students can this app to perform basic functions like counting or perform more complex functions like adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.  I also like the fact that there are annotation features to quickly let students to write down their answers.

2. Long Division Touch 

My daughter will be starting division very soon. What tools can I provide her to practice the important, yet challenging, concept of long division? Long Division Touch is another free IOS App available to teach her the important mechanics of long division; although there is also a paid version too!

This app provides students lessons on long division basics, zero up top, remainders, decimals, repeating decimals, and decimals in the divisor. This App includes in App purchases to use the random problem generator feature.

3. Math Fact Monster (.99 cents)

My daughter and son are always bringing home ziploc bags full of math flash cards; however, they are not always the easiest thing to carry around when we are waiting for a doctor's appointment or going out to dinner.

I usually try to stay clear from paid Apps, but Math Fact Monster is a good one! This App provides you with flash cards to customize what your child or students learn. Choose from all four operations or which numbers you would like to drill. It is well worth the .99 cents because it is much cheaper than a set of flashcards!

Check out some of my favorite math Apps. What would you add to the list?

November is Clicks for a Cause Month!
Last November, I started a new tradition called "Clicks for a Cause." The concept was easy. You visit my blog, I donate!

I would like to continue again this year! For each visit to my blog during November, I would donate a penny to help baby Adam Maldonado and his family. Adam has been through more surgeries and procedures in his short life time, than most of us have been through our entire life. See his story here

At the end of November, I will be making a contribution to the family's GoFundMe page, to help with the enormous medical bills his heart procedures have cost. 

How can you get involved?
  • Visit and share my blog with others. I have others who are matching my contribution. The more clicks, the more money we raise! 
  • Like Adam's Facebook page and keep updated on his condition.
  • Pray for Adam and his family!
  • Make a contribution to the family's  GoFundMe page
  • Please contact me if you have any questions or if you have a  HEART to help a child in need!


  1. Check out Shape Lab by Shiney Things.

  2. Great list indeed. I would add (even though it might be too early for him) -
    The Land of Venn - Geometric Defense


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