Edmodo Snapshot, Are You Using It?

Addressing the needs of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is everyone's responsibility. How are you helping prepare kids for the future? If you are already using Edmodo, then it is as easy as using Edmodo's Snapshot feature. This is a free feature on Edmodo, which allows you to assess students on specific ELA or Math CCSS.

Want to see how easy it is? Check out my video tutorial:

Now what? Edmodo provides excellent data tools to help you address the needs of students. Want to see how it works? Check out my video tutorial:

With most educational technology tools, you have to do a ton of work to prepare and manage in advance. What I like most about the Snapshot feature is that there is very little work you have to do on your part.

November is Clicks for a Cause Month!
Last November, I started a new tradition called "Clicks for a Cause." The concept was easy. You visit my blog, I donate!

I would like to continue again this year! For each visit to my blog during November, I would donate a penny to help baby Adam Maldonado and his family. Adam has been through more surgeries and procedures in his short life time, than most of us have been through our entire life. See his story here

At the end of November, I will be making a contribution to the family's GoFundMe page, to help with the enormous medical bills his heart procedures have cost. 

How can you get involved?
  • Visit and share my blog with others. I have others who are matching my contribution. The more clicks, the more money we raise! 
  • Like Adam's Facebook page and keep updated on his condition.
  • Pray for Adam and his family!
  • Make a contribution to the family's  GoFundMe page
Please contact me if you have any questions or if you have a  HEART to help a child in need!


  1. I watched your video tutorial about snapshot, it was really interesting. I tried in my Edmodo, but I did not find the app anywhere. Please, help me. thank you very much in advance.

  2. Hey Nina! Thanks for responding. If you go into Edmodo and look on the right-side of your screen, you will see a Home icon, Settings icon, Calendar icon and at the very bottom, an icon that has a magnified glass with a checkmark. This will take you directly to Snapshot.


New Learn Lead Grow Home!

Hello readers! Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe that 15 years have passed since I launched my Learn Lead Grow blog. As we step into a n...