Clicks for a Cause 2014!

Last November, I started a new tradition called "Clicks for a Cause." The concept was easy. You visit my blog, I donate!

I would like to continue again this year! For each visit to my blog during November, I would donate a penny to help baby Adam Maldonado and his family. See his story here

At the end of November, I will be making a contribution to the family's GoFundMe page

How can you get involved?

  • Visit and share my blog with others. I have others who are matching my contribution. The more clicks, the more money we raise! 
  • Like Adam's Facebook page and keep updated on his condition.
  • Pray for Adam and his family!
  • Make a contribution to the family's  GoFundMe page
Please contact me if you have any questions or if you have a  HEART to help a child in need!

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