Happy Safer Internet Day!

February 7th marks Safer Internet Day, which is a worldwide event organized each February to increase global awareness of Internet safety. This year's theme is "Connecting generations and educating each other." Countries all over the world are participating in this worthy cause.

One of the sponsors iSafe has provided video clips, documents, and lesson plans for teachers, parents, and other community members. iSafe is one of the leading publishers of digital citizenship educational materials in the world. Check out their site here.

There is an expression "it takes a village to raise a child." Unfortunately many of the people in that village are not around or aware of what is really going on in the "digital realm." From cyberbullying to texting dangers, we need to share with our kids the proper ways of using technology. So on this Safer Internet Day, what are you doing to be as Ghandi said "the change that you wish to see in the world" (or Internet)?

Check out these surprising statistics from Safer Internet Day.

If you are interested in more Internet safety resources, check some of these out:

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