#ISTE13 GEMS: Plan Board

Check out my son Trey and I on our own "boo":

One of the things that I love most about conferences like #ISTE13 is that you have the chance to connect with people face to face. Regardless of how much technology changes the way that we socialize in the 21st century, I am still convinced that meeting face-to-face will always be necessary.

Introducing PlanBoard

As I had mentioned before, I was working in the Edmodo booth demonstrating the new AudioBoo App (more on that later). Several educators from around the world stopped by to see the App and also give me some great blog ideas! I was talking with a gentleman from Houston who introduced me to a free lesson plan creation site called PlanBoard.

PlanBoard gives educators the ability to easily create lesson plans, find lesson plans, collaborate with others, share materials, track standards, and share lesson plans with students and parents. In the era of the Common Core, educators are more concerned than ever about meeting every single academic standard. PlanBoard not only lets you record which standards you have met, but it will tell you which standards you have not met.

I love the fact that you can keep every single lesson plan from an entire school year in one place! What's even more exciting is the fact that there is an iPad App in development! Can't wait!

How Will I Use It? 

It's July and already I have a few ideas! I have been searching for a way to share my lesson plans electronically with administrators, students and parents. I have experienced problems when I tried creating Google Docs to share with others through out gradebook system.

I've tried creating websites, sending out emails, and even printing out all of my plans. I've decided that I am going to try PlanBoard this year and see how it works! I'll let you know what I think in a later post!

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