Changing Learning Through the New Edmodo AudioBoo App: Part 3 (Innovative Ideas)

I'm continuing my series on the new Edmodo AudioBoo App. My previous posts have focused on how AudioBoo can help students "show what they know" and why it is considered by many to be the"YouTube of Audio." Today I want to conclude my series with a few more innovative ideas:

Flipping the Classroom

The idea of “flipping” the classroom is becoming more popular in 21st Century. If you are not familiar with this concept, it is the idea that students listen to the lecture outside of the classroom and demonstrate their knowledge and ask questions inside of the classroom. In the classroom, the teacher’s role shifts from a lecturer to a facilitator. The AudioBoo App is another tool that teachers can use to record mini-lessons for their students to listen to.

If you are not a big fan of “flipping” your classroom, you (or a student) could record a summary of the “big ideas” learned in class that day. This would be a perfect study tool for students to review concepts or a way to prevent absent students from getting behind.

Efficient Communication

When you are giving directions, have you ever felt like you were repeating yourself over and over? I often use Edmodo to write down our daily agenda and communicate objectives. I use the beginning of class to go over the post and students can reference it throughout the lesson.

It never fails! I always have a student who is absent at the beginning of the class or wasn’t paying attention. Even when I ask my students read the Edmodo post, they often need an in-depth explanation of the tasks for the day. The AudioBoo app will allow me to record in-depth instructions so that I am not repeating myself over and over.

Frequently Asked Questions

In any classroom, it always seems like there are three types of students:
  •   “Expert” students who need very little direction and yearn for you to be quiet so they can work.
  •  “Directionally challenged” students who frequently need you by their side as much as possible.
  •  “Middle-of-the-road” students who may ask a question or two from time to time.

I have found that when I give an assignment, I often neglect my “middle-of-the-road” students because I am so stretched helping my “directionally challenged” students. These students often get frustrated because their Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) are often not addressed fast enough.

 In my classroom, I have pre-prepared FAQ’s that students will ask. I often use text or use video clips; however, the AudioBoo app will let me quickly record answers to common questions, so that my “middle of the road” students can get their answers, while I help other students.


In the digital age, we often forget about the power of audio and how important it is to learning. AudioBoo makes it easy to create, share, and engage students in different ways using the power of audio. If Edmodo has transformed your classroom, then you will find that the “You Tube of Audio” will take it to a whole different level.  

Want More About the App? 

I want to invite you to attend my FREE EdWeb Webinar titled Changing Learning Through AudioBoo on Thursday, August 8th from 4 pm EST to 5 pm EST. I will show you how the App works and creative ways other educators are using it. Pre-Register here.

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