Seating Charts + Behavior Management = Class Charts!

It's almost the beginning of the new school year for many of us. No matter if you are prepping your classroom, developing new materials, or creating your lesson plans...we all have one thing in common! We need to develop seating charts! What if there was a way to combine seating charts, manage classroom behavior, and communicate that behavior to parents? Class Charts does exactly that!

Seating Charts Made Easy!

Many of us use grade management systems like PowerSchool and Infinite Campus; however, many of these programs aren't very user-friendly. I tried out the Class Charts and found it very easy to understand and use. I really liked that I could move students simply by dragging and dropping them into a new seat. In the past, I had to get very creative with how I used other seating chart programs. Class Charts allows me to create a customized seating chart that looks exactly like my room.

It's easy to customize your student photos. For example, some students are self conscious of their class photos, so you can substitute another picture or icon instead.

Classroom Management Made Easy!

Class Charts is a great tool for teachers to track both positive and negative classroom behaviors. The data analysis tools allow teachers to easily track class or individual student behavior trends.

Each semester, I have to give my students an effort and conduct grade. Class Charts makes it easy to customize the types of positive behaviors you want to reward and negative behaviors you need to address. It makes it very easy to communicate and share these behaviors with parents. Instead of having to "file" all of your notes about student behavior, you can access and share them with a click of a button.

Now is the perfect time to try! Check it out and let me know what you think!

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Hello readers! Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe that 15 years have passed since I launched my Learn Lead Grow blog. As we step into a n...