140 or Less: Changing Action and Expression with Tellegami (Part 2)

The last five minutes of class can often a difficult time period to plan for because students often use this time to complete homework, pack up materials and socialize.

One teacher has artfully combined exit tickets with Tellegami to use this time more effectively. Students use this free App to record a 30 second Gami of the top three things they learned from class that day. Their Gami, a combination of a cartoon and voice recording, can be shared via email, social media, or embedding into a website.

Students email this Gami to their teacher as a way to check for understanding; however, the best part is that the “best” Gami is reused. This teacher embeds it on their website and shares with students who might have been absent, didn’t understand the topic, or just needed a brief reminder. 


Posts for the month of November are dedicated to a little boy named Ayden Murray from Wrightsville, PA.. He was diagnosed with Stage 4 neuroblastoma and is at Hershey Medical Center receiving treatment. 
For every time someone visits my blog during the month of November,myself and several donors will donate a penny to his medical fund "Prayers 4 Ayden." 

How can you get involved?

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