Don't Be a One and Done: Reading Books + AudioBoo + QR Code Reader = Motivated Students (Part 3)

As we continue our series on "Don't Be a One and Done," I wanted to share with you a creative idea I learned about several months ago. It takes a different angle to iPad use and involves Books, AudioBoo, and QR Codes.

Getting kids to read is a difficult task in its own sense; however, a librarian wanted to motivate her students to read in an engaging and high-tech way. When students read a book, they were given the chance to create a book review using AudioBoo and QR Codes. 

Step 1: Create Your Review Using AudioBoo

After students were finished reading their book, they were asked to create a script for a book review. When they were finished with the script, they were asked to read the script and record it using the free AudioBoo App. Not familiar with this App? It is a free podcasting application available on the iTunes store. Record your own audio or listen to thousands of recordings from users worldwide! Students generated 3 minute trailers, summarizing the book and providing a brief review of their opinions.

Step 2: Generate a QR Code 

After students were finished with their recording, they took the URL to the recording and generated a QR code. This QR Code was printed out and placed on a poster in the library. Some were placed on the actual book itself. It was a great way of advertising and promoting reading throughout the library and school.

Step 3: Use QR Reader to Hear Reviews

As students looked for new books to read, they would use a QR Reader to listen to the book reviews recorded by their classmates. This quick and high-tech way of combining audio and QR codes was a simple way of motivating students. It changed the culture of the school and created a new excitement towards reading. How would you use QR Codes and AudioBoo?


Join me for Click for a Cause. The nephew of one of my students was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and is at Hershey Medical Center receiving treatment. I was so touched by his story that I wanted to do something. 

For every time someone visits my blog during the month of November, I am going to donate a penny to his medical fund. Although it is not much, several other people have agreed to match this amount. Please help by just visiting my blog or learning more about how you can help. Although it is a little, every click means a lot. 

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