Cool #GAFE #Chrome Extensions: Read&Write

Check out my sessions at PETE&C today:
  • 2:30 - 3:30 pm - Don't Be a One and Done @ Hotel Hershey Starlight East
  • 4:45 - 5:45 pm - Using LiveBinders to Address All Learners @ Hershey Lodge Cocoa 5
 Several years ago, I had a student named Jamar who used to always try to get thrown out of class when we had reading assignments. One day I had a frank conversation with him and asked him why. He told me that he found it difficult concentrating on reading to himself because he needed to "hear" the text being read aloud.

If every student does not learn the same way, then why are we requiring students read the same way? Read&Write is an awesome Chrome extension that provides scaffolds and supports for struggling readers.

How does it work? 

Step 1: Go to the Chrome Store and install it on your Chrome browser.

Step 2: As you travel the Internet, create a Google Doc, or read a PDF, an icon will appear on your address bar. This icon lets you know that Read&Write can be enabled. Select the icon and you will see a variety of tools to help your struggling readers.

I enjoy pressing play and listening to my entire document (highlighted sections of the text) being read to me by a non-electronic sounding voice.

What Else Can it Do? 

Read&Write is a powerful accessibility tool for all student to gain confidence with not only reading, but writing as well. Here are some of it's awesome features (directly from the website):
  • See the meaning of words explained with text and picture dictionaries 
  • Hear text translated into other languages 
  • Get suggestions while you are typing for words to type
  • Highlight text in documents or webpages to use in other documents later. 
  • Simplify and summarize text on web pages

Clicks 4 a Cause:

Hailey is a vibrant 4-year-old, who recently developed a mass on her kidney in late January 2015. It is a cancerous, stage IV "Wilms" tumor that has spread to her lungs and liver. She and her family need our thoughts, prayers, and financial support. During the month of February, I will donate a penny to Hailey's medical fund. This goes a long way! In the past, we have raised over $400 for children in need

How Can You Help? 
  • Visit my blog - each visit literally counts!
  • Make a donation to her GoFundMepage! 

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