The Sharing Dilemma: Setting a Passcode for Google iPad Apps

Many schools across the country are forced to use iPads in shared environments due to limited funding and resources. Although not ideal, there are ways around the constraints of multiple users and one device.

Schools often turn to Google Apps for Education (GAFE) Apps like Drive, Docs, Slides, and Sheets to help students create, save, and manage documents; however, logging out seems to pose a problem for users.

It may seem like your students have three basic options:
  1. Stay logged in and toggle to their account when they need to access their documents. 
  2. Remove their account from the device every time it is used
  3. Create a general account for all of your classes to use and share.
None of these options are safe or secure; however, Google offers another option. Thanks to my colleague Sharon, I found another way to make Google and iPads work in shared environments!

What is the Solution? 

Have your students set a passcode for their account on the iPad. How does it work? This tip currently works in Drive, Docs, Slides, and Sheets. The current version of Google Classroom does not have this feature. 

Step 1: Open Drive, Docs, Sheets, or Slides.
Step 2: Tap on the three horizontal line icon in the top-left corner of your screen.

Step 3: Choose Settings

Step 4: Choose Passcode Lock and turn Passcode Lock on for your device.

Step 5: Enter your four-digit passcode

Want to watch it in action? Check out my video:


Now you are set! Your student iPads are now safe and secure. Have more cool Google tips and tricks? I'd love to hear them.


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