Tell Your Story One Frame at a Time with Lego Movie Maker

Video is a powerful teaching and learning tool for our students. As devices becoming increasingly more mobile, there are many Apps available for our students to create powerful multimedia projects. I recently read a survey that suggests that 2/3 of American adults consider themselves to be visual learners.

This is why the popularity of social media posts increases when a picture is attached. It is why many of our students find watching and creating images and videos so powerful.

Lego Movie Maker:

Lego Movie Maker is a free iOS App that makes sharing and telling your story extremely easy. Do you remember the days of claymation? Lego Movie Maker uses the same principles of claymation to combine your iPad and the power of image, as you tell your story frame by frame.

Whether you are using Lego figurines or using objects (or people) around your room, this App is extremely easy to use. Students who are avid movie producers and those with very little experience can easily publish, edit, and create captivating movies that tell a story.


Do you use video in your classroom? If so, I'd love to hear about your favorite tools.

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