Light Box - Bringing the Adage "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words" to Life!

The old adage "a picture is worth a thousand words" still holds true in education today because our students often need multiple ways of perceiving information. Why do they need this? Brain research tells us that our students need multiple ways of seeing, hearing, and learning material to make "connections" to a concept. Many of us use sites like YouTube and Teacher Tube, allowing us to forget the power of a single photo!

Light Box

Time Magazine has a unique feature on their website called LightBox. LightBox is a new blog by TIME’s photo department, exploring how multimedia (pictures, video, etc.) and culture defines today’s world. It provides its "Pictures of the Week" from photo journalists around the globe. Pictures include a commentary of material and world-class pictures from Time. The blog will give participants the opportunity to get a daily behind-the-scenes look at the visual side of the news. Pictures cover a variety of topics, allowing teachers from all content areas to benefit from the content!

How can you use this site?

I see a variety of ways to use the photos. Obviously you could use them as a way to have students visualize a concept or current event. You could also use a picture an introduction to a unit / lesson. You could use it as a writing prompt or prediction tool! The possibilities are endless.

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