Stitching the Internet Together with Stich.It

Social Bookmarking Explained

Social Bookmarking sites like Delicious and Diigo have changed the way that we are able to share information. The emergence of Pinterest has changed things even more! What is Social Bookmarking? It's a way to share web links over the Internet through the use of websites. You no longer have to worry about bookmarking your favorite links to your computer. Wherever you are, you can access all of your links by simply visiting your Social Bookmarking website. Yet many teachers and schools are skeptical about using Social Bookmarking because some say its too difficult. Others say there is no place for it in the classroom. Others say that they don't want another username and password. Others say that they don't have the time.


I want to share with you a quick and easy way to share web links by stitching together websites through Stich.It (yes I spelled it right!). This site allows you to pair up related web sites, photos, videos, etc. and then it generates a unique URL, so that you can share your links for the rest of the world!

How would I use this for my situation?

I can see this being used as a way to "stich" a chapter together by sharing links, pictures, and video clips all related to the topic of your choice. Another thing that I like about this site, is the fact that it is a very visual way of interacting with bookmarks. Most sites just contain thumbnails and descriptions of the text. Stich.It allows you to view a full-screen picture of your link. It is also very easy to interact with. The hyperlink is your picture.

If you are using UDL in your classrooms, it is very "UDL-friendly" because it provides another way of representing material for your hands-on and visual learners. Because of its easy to use platform and interface, students of all abilities are able to navigate through it very easily.

How do I use this technology? 

You are in luck! I have a brief tutorial on how to create your very own Stich.It on my website Learn-Lead-Grow.

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