Free iPad Recipes: Introducing Vocabulary with Dice and Edmodo (Part 2)

Are You a One and Done?
Are you a "one and done" App user? What I mean is do you only integrate one App per class experience? This may work for some of your students, but it will not work for all of your students. Why? Not every student learns and interacts with Apps the same way.

Over the next few posts, I want to share with you a common way to introduce your students to new vocabulary terms, while using multiple Apps.
Ingredient # 1: Activate Background Knowledge
In my previous post, I discussed how to activate background knowledge with a simple App called Fridge Poems.

Ingredient # 2: Dice App + Edmodo = Discussion

After I have my students share their FridgePoems with the class, I want to further investigate what students know about the topic in pairs or small groups. In this case, I want my students to help define the word charisma and provide examples of it in the world. If a term is difficult to define or provide examples, I may give a brief reading assignment for students to complete the next part.

I begin by having my students open a free Dice App. I usually have one student use the iPad to "roll" one die. Depending on the number, the student with tthe iPad will have to ask their partner one of the following questions:

  • If you rolled a "1", then as a "who" question about the topic
  • If you rolled a "2", then ask a "what" question about the topic
  • If you rolled a "3", then ask a "when" question about the topic
  • If you rolled a "4", then ask a "where" question about the topic
  • If you rolled a "5", then ask a "why" question about the topic
  • If you rolled a "6", then ask a "how" question about the topic
This is a great protocol for students to use to discuss text. As their partner is trying to come up with an answer, they will open up the Edmodo App and post their question and partner's response. This keeps students accountable and helps aid discussion. 

What did I do next? Look for my next post!

Want more iPad recipes?
Check out my free SimpleK12 webinar on Thursday, May 1 at 4 pm EST. I will be giving other free iPad recipes that use free iPad apps.

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