Customize and Add Videos from Drive to Slides

Google Slides is an amazing collaborative tool for students and teachers. In addition to adding YouTube videos, you can now add videos from Google Drive! How does it work?

STEP 1: Insert a Video

Insert your video by going to the Insert menu and choose Video. You can also use the video icon on your toolbar.

STEP 2: Choose Google Drive

Instead of inserting a YouTube video, you can now select Google Drive.

STEP 3: Choose Your Video

Choose your video from Google Drive. Once your video is embedded, you can right-click on your video and choose Video Options.

Video options will allow you to choose when to start and end your video, whether it should autoplay when presenting, loop your video, or  whether it should be muted or play with audio.


Not only is this a great tool for teachers, it can be helpful for students too. This is a great way to have students (especially under the age of 13), create and embed videos into your Google Slides presentation without needing to publish to YouTube. 

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